How often do we stop ourselves from doing something, only because it's new and unfamiliar? It doesn't fit into the life we've lived and gotten accustomed to for 20, 30, 50 years. We are born with a clean slate, and we layer on habits and tastes that are already present in the family, environment or society we're born into. It's who we are for a while, but it doesn't have to be who we are our whole life (if we don't want it to be). Over time we change, we become more us than we were when we were 10, or even 15. So then what stops us from becoming exactly who we want to be? From breaking away from acquired taste and customs and just living out what our heart truly desires?
I heard the quote in a movie once. "Dress for the life you want, not the life you have". It sort of became my motto (well, one of) because it's so true. It doesn't just apply to the way you dress, or the way you shop. It applies to everything! You can always improve the life you're living by incorporating things you love. There is never a good enough reason to perpetuate routine, if it doesn't make you happy anymore. Take conscious steps and actions to steer your life in the direction of the one you want.
We have one shot to write our story. It's important to remember that.