“Socialization is the process of learning to be a member of a society, accomplished through interaction with others and participation in the daily routines of everyday cultural life.”
Primary socialization as they call it, begins at a young age through primary agents ie, la familia. My family may have got many things right, but mornings? That’s something they just don’t get. What’s that thing about mornings being a fresh start? Whatever it is, it does not apply to my house. Don’t get me wrong. I’m simply saying that there is never a good enough reason to wake up to screaming, chaos and unnecessary accusations early in the morning. Maybe, if you’re in a war stricken city that is being bombarded left, right and centre? No, not even then. That’s probably when you need all the good mornings you can get to brave through the rest of the day.
Mornings set your mood, and I admit I tend to be moody more often that not and so, mornings become all the more important. The amount of energy I put into reversing the ill effects of my average morning can be put to much better use, like actually fixing the issues pertaining to afore mentioned screaming. But instead I retaliate or cry or pretend to ignore everything and everyone, depending on my mood. But worse of all, on days that I do wake up before this natural alarm, I cower in fear of the inevitable. Now, fear is not something you want to start your day with. EVER. That’s just sort of ridiculous.
Which is why, I know that if and when I ever have a family of my own, mornings will be very, very, extra important. It’s one of the many lessons I’ve learnt growing up.
Some of my best ways of dealing with a bad morning have proven pretty effective. They include –
1. Self Pampering. Anything from a manicure and pedicure to hair spa or massages. Spend the rest of the day looking forward to a good evening as opposed to a bad morning.
2. Shopping. Let’s face it, it cures almost everything imaginable.
3. Bring it On Soundtrack. Never underestimate the power of ‘Hey Mickey’, ‘As if’ and ‘You’re just what I need’. Instant mood lift.
4. Dance. Morning? What morning?
5. Animals. They have actual magical healing powers.
6. Vent. Let’s just say my best friend hears an earful on days that the other techniques fail.
On days that I don’t employ any mood reversal methods, I sulk or worse, fill my mind with angry, negative thoughts. I project negative vibes. There are very few things I hate more than negative vibes.
Moral of the story? If you have control over your own and other people’s morning, do what’s in your power to make it a good one. You don’t know what the rest of the day holds, but as the proverb goes “A good beginning makes a good end.”
Or even a tolerable end, and sometimes that's all you need.
Or even a tolerable end, and sometimes that's all you need.
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